
random personal journal update

So this has been a crazy few weeks - in no particular order:

I got my ears pierced on monday

I lost the RA job: My GPA fell too low due to several medical-accomidation incompletes and they refused to hear an appeal even by my boss. Just another example of how UMass Reslife is the most disrespectful, discriminatory, incompetent organization I've ever worked for (and I've worked for a museum who's director was embezzling funds...). I miss my residents and the job itself terribly, but I can't get away from that institution fast enough.

I was let go 4 business days before RAs moved in for the spring semester, giving me about a week to find housing...

Through an incredible stroke of luck I stumbled on an apartment just 6 houses up the street from campus. I'm closer to the center of campus than the parking lot my car lived in was (though um, that's not really saying much...). It's a ghetto-ass basement with functionally no windows and we've had flooding already from the rain, but my roommate is awesome... it's decent for now, but yea, I definitely need a better place this summer... it's more or less a hole in the ground... The past week and a half have been dominated by cleaning up the place and making it more habitable... and then rushing to prevent flood water damage... and cleaning up the results... and being woken up by my landlords upstairs being louder than my Freshman...

With all the stuff I have to make up and my meds still on the fritz I'm going part time and taking only two classes this semester. One's an anthro class on inequality and oppression - rather obvious and 'no duh' but some interesting connections, and the other's a civil engineering course on the relationships between society and structures like bridges and towers - some of the material is presented too narrowly and misses the bigger picture, but fun to get the perspective from the engineering mindset instead of the usual anthropologist/architect mindset that I'm used to.

The other weekend we went to Arisia in Boston - was very shiny! Spent too much money on pretties as usual...

This coming weekend some friends from home are coming out, and there's the massive Springfield train show...
To do: incompletes, find job(s), stay sane, look for summer appt, etc, etc, etc...

1 comment:

  1. I think our professor is being intentionally narrow in his focus. I'm unsure if the focus is going to broaden, but I'm pretty sure it's intentional. It makes the first few classes less intimidating/more accessible. Keep in mind that this is a gen-ed/engineering course. For many of your classmates, this is their first time thinking of these kinds of issues in these ways.


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